Elba 2007
Mein zweites Kartierpraktikum führte mich nach Elba, einer wunderschönen Insel im Mittelmeer vor der Küste Italiens. Dieses mal lag der Schwerpunkt mehr auf metamorph überprägten Gesteinen welche nicht mehr in solch klaren Strukturen wie in Castellote vorliegen. Nicht zuletzt die überragende Kenntnis der regionalen Geologie unseres Exkursionsleiters, sondern auch die herrliche Landschaft und die schönen Aufschlüsse verwandelten diese Exkursion in viel zu kurze drei Wochen.
My second mapping course lead to Elba a very nice island in the Mediterranean Sea in front of the coast of italy. This time the mapping course was focused on metamorphic rocks and the structures are not as clear as in Castellote. Not at last the outstanding knowledge of our professor, the wounderful countryside and the nice outcrops turned this mapping course into one of my favourites as well and the three weeks were over very fast.
was that u in the photo?
No 🙂 That was a colleague, we were working in groups of three during that field trip 😉